Cornerstone Impact Update - Companies worth investing in

It seems like since the Coronavirus shutdown began in March, the rest of the year has been filled with unrest. This world is corrupt, and we know this isn’t what God wanted for the world He created. As Christians, we should be striving to make an impact for God’s Kingdom in all areas of our lives. We created the Cornerstone Portfolios because we know that God cares about what we do with our money. In this month's Cornerstone Impact update, three of our BRI partners, GuideStone, Inspire, and Eventide talk about company values and the how we can make an impact in the community with our investments.


Diversity News Release

Although we aren’t seeing as many people and companies post about racism and diversity as last month, there is still work being done. GuideStone sent out a news release in the beginning of July, “Ensuring diversity, quality key goal for GuideStone.” Kasan Boyd, the director of inclusion & diversity at GuideStone has a goal to recruit and retain a more diverse workforce.

Here is an excerpt from the release:

One would think that after two millennia, the words of James 2:1-13 have become optional choices instead of principles for living in Christ,” GuideStone President O.S. Hawkins said. “Sadly, as the events of 2020 remind us, favoritism and its close cousin racism are alive and continue to plague our nation… and even the last place we should ever see racism, some churches… We are working daily to ensure it is not true in our offices, and we could not be more thrilled that Kasan has taken on the task of helping us build a more diverse workforce.

Since 2005, GuideStone has grown its diverse management ranks more than 300%. Having a more diverse workforce creates unique perspectives and experiences which makes the company stronger. Boyd stated, “Statistics show that diverse work environments are more innovative and productive.”

GuideStone recognizes that they have not yet achieved their goal to reflect the diversity of God’s Kingdom, but they are committed and will continue to make steps towards their goal.

Who is the Faith-Based Investor?

Do you care about the companies you're invested in being ethically run?

75% of investors globally say it is important that they invest in companies that reflect their personal values. People care more now about whether their investments are doing social good.

GuideStone shared some of their findings on the faith-based investor here. Don't settle for investments that oppose your personal values. You should be proud of the companies you're invested in!


How should I feel when people make money from a pandemic: anger or admiration? Shane Enete, Inspire’s Investment Analyst wrote a blog last month answering this question about ill-wind investing.

“Ill-wind investing refers to making money on the account of ‘ill-winds’ that sweep through a community, such as natural disasters, wars, or pandemics.” The article discusses ways to figure out if making money from ill-winds is morally wrong.

The short response is that it is morally wrong to profit from anything that caused suffering to others; however, some situations aren’t that clear. Do you think it’s morally wrong to sell toilet paper at marked-up prices during the Coronavirus pandemic? Another question to help with this is, “does this activity increase, have no effect, or diminish the suffering of others?”

Ill-winded investing is morally complex. When trying to discern whether or not profiting from ill-winded investing is morally right or wrong, seek Biblical wisdom and counsel from others.

Shane wrote, “When we invest, we should strive to enter into investing opportunities that bring about prosperity for both ourselves and our community.” That’s what Inspire’s goal is and that’s our goal with our Cornerstone Models.

Are you unsure if you're currently invested in ill-winds? Learn more about ill-wind investing in the full article.


Investing in the markets is investing in companies.

Are the companies you’re invested in adding value to society? How do you decide whether or not a company is creating value for society? Eventide’s Hannah Cumming explains 7 simple questions investors can ask when deciding:

  1. Would you want to work under the leadership team?
  2. How likely are you to recommend their product/service to a friend?
  3. Would you want your son or daughter to work at this company?
  4. On a scale of 1-10 (1 = a new flavor of gum and 10 = a cure for cancer), how much value does this product bring to humankind?
  5. If you walked into a supply center, would you be proud of the quality and working conditions?
  6. What would your reaction be if this company opened an office in your neighborhood? Opened a supply center/plant/factory?
  7. Does this company's environmental policy and actions leave a better planet for our grandchildren?

With their Business 360 model, Eventide wants to be able to answer the above 7 questions with a wholehearted yes. See below for the full video.

The next time you're thinking about investing in a company, ask yourself these questions! If you're currently invested in companies that you're not proud of or are interested in making an impact with your investments, contact us to see how we can help!