Financial Literacy Month: Week 4
The final week of Financial Literacy Month focused on investing. Check it out below:
What does "risk" mean for investing?
@finance_nerd What does risk really mean for investing? Do you prefer to take more risk or play it safe? Let us know in the comments. #financialliteracymonth #financialliteracymonth2023 #financialliteracy #investing #investing101 #investingtips #financialadvisor #financialfreedom #retirement #retirementplanning #risk #riskaverse #riskreward #riskvsreturn #risktaker
♬ Sweet Sunset - Tollan Kim & dulai
Types of Investments
@finance_nerd Investing can be intimidating, but we’re here to help! #financialliteracymonth #financialliteracymonth2023 #financialliteracy #investing #investing101 #investingtips #financialadvisor #financialfreedom #retirement #retirementplanning #typesofinvestments #stocks #bonds #mutualfunds #etfs #simpleinvesting
♬ Music Instrument - Gerhard Siagian
How to pick the right investments
@finance_nerd How do you pick the right investments? #financialliteracymonth #financialliteracymonth2023 #financialliteracy #investing #investing101 #investingtips #financialadvisor #financialfreedom #retirement #retirementplanning #timehorizon #objectives #shortterm #longterm
♬ Sweet Sunset - Tollan Kim & dulai
What should I do with my investments?
@finance_nerd If you already have investments, you might be asking, “what should I do with them?” You might not like Jeff’s answer. #financialliteracymonth #financialliteracymonth2023 #financialliteracy #investing #investing101 #investingtips #financialadvisor #financialfreedom #retirement #retirementplanning #typesofinvestments #stockmarket #itdepends #onesizedoesnotfitall
What's the secret to financial freedom?
@finance_nerd What’s the secret to gaining financial freedom? #financialliteracymonth #financialliteracymonth2023 #financialliteracy #financialadvisor #financialfreedom #retirement #secret #debtfreejourney
♬ A Day in My Life - Soft boy