Your Faith & the Workplace (Chapters 6-7)

In honor of Kingdom Advisors ending yesterday, we're going to pause the series going through the Faith Driven Entrepreneur book. Kingdom Advisors is a Christian conference for financial advisors. We sent most of our team this year (after it was virtual last year.) This conference demonstrated why we can't do life on our own -- God designed us to do life in community! The last 3 days have rejuvenated our team, and we're excited to get back and plan how we are going to impact the Kingdom through our work.

Over the last 2 years, it's been more difficult with COVID and feel like you're isolated; however, we want to encourage you to find other like-minded individuals in your professional field and community in general to support you. SEM Marketing Manager, Courtney Hybiak wrote 2 blogs last year on the importance of having a community of other Christians. Check them out!

Sharpening One Another - Cornerstone Impact Update
God didn’t design humans to do life in isolation. I didn’t realize how important relationships were until COVID practically forced us to live in isolation (at least for a period of time). Thankfully we have technology to allow us to stay connected; however, even though I was attending church virtual…
Neglecting to Meet - Cornerstone Impact Update
I hope you took some time last month to reflect on the close relationships in your life. Or if you don’t have close relationships, I hope you took the time to find some ways to work on gaining close relationships with other Christians because it is truly important. If you

Let's make sure we're not doing life alone!

Chapter 6

If you've been following along on our Saturday morning Faith-Driven Leadership posts for the last few months, we've been going through the book "Faith Driven Entrepreneur" by Henry Kaestner, J.D. Greear, and Chip Ingram. So far we've covered the first 5 chapters. If you missed the other posts, check them out here:

This week is a good continuation of the last chapter on worshipping work. We're going to talk about important values to have in your business. In order to have a successful company, you need more than just profits. As your business grows, you need to have employees excited about their work! You can do this by creating strong company values.

Bandwidth has created a company that cares most about faith, family, work, and fitness. Watch this short video to learn about how these values have made the business successful:

Chapter 7

As Christian entrepreneurs (or just Christian workers), our work has a deeper meaning -- we reflect our amazing God, not just ourselves. We should be seeking excellence in our work. When we were going through Ecclesiastes, Solomon talked about how life can disappoint or feel empty. Non-believers might feel an emptiness in pursuing excellence when they're doing it purely for excellence sake. However, when we're seeking excellence for God, we find joy in the process.

This isn't to say that there aren't going to be hard days at work, but it will give you more purpose when your goal is to pursue Christ in everything you do. As a believer, we want to stand before God at the end of our life and hear, "Well done, my good and faithful servant." Let this be a reminder to you that EVERYTHING we do should be done for God's glory. Let that encourage and motivate you today and going forward!

Check out this short video as Don Flow explains how he "seeks excellence" and creates trust with his customers in an industry that isn't always trustworthy: