Periodic Table

Periodic Table of Investment Returns

PeriodicTable2008-2018 v3.PNG

SOURCE: Morningstar Direct & | ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY; Not Investment Advice | Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. All investments involve risk. Returns above are for the total returns assuming an investment for the entire period and all dividends and interest payments were reinvested and no other fees were incurred. Returns are for the Vanguard funds as follows:

  • S&P 500: VFINX

  • Small Cap: NAESX

  • Int'l Stocks: VSTSX

  • Dividend Growth: VDAIX

  • EmgMkts: VEIEX

  • HghYldBnds: VWEHX

  • InvstGrdBnd: VCITX

  • LT-TreasBond: VUSTX

  • Real Estate: VGSIX


For additional information on the risks involved with each fund click here. The use of Vanguard funds in the table is not a recommendation to purchase any of their funds. Vanguard was chosen as a way to represent each of the available asset classes without any active management inside the fund.