Last month, we focused on a mindset shift we need to have when following Jesus – specifically talking about being blessed according to God. The Beatitudes show that the way we see blessings isn't the way we typically view blessings. This month, we're going to be looking through the rest of
Tag: Impact
Just before the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus says in Matthew 4:17b, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." Last month, we talked about why the decision to follow Jesus (or not follow Jesus) is so important – it has an eternal impact! For this month, we're going
There are five discourses in the Gospel of Matthew:
- The Sermon on the Mount (ch. 5-7)
- The Missionary Discourse (ch. 10)
- The Parabolic Discourse (ch. 13)
- The Community Discourse (ch. 18-20)
- The Apocalyptic Discourse (ch. 24-25)
We're going to be focusing just on the first one: The Sermon on the
As we prepare to head into the Christmas season (which for most people started after Thanksgiving, or even before), I want to take some time for a short devotional to help get us in the right headspace for Christmas. Before jumping into the devotional, what is your favorite gift you
We just saw last month what happened with Haman after his plot to kill Mordecai and the rest of the Jews. As we wrap up Esther, the events we will read about in the last few chapters should leave us relieved and a little unsettled. While God's people in Persia