We spent the last 5 weeks sharing a video devotional series on faith driven investing. But what does it actually mean to be "faith driven"? Being faith driven means your faith in Jesus Christ drives the way you work and live.
Does your faith drive your life or is it in the passenger seat? If your faith isn't driving your life, we challenge you to make the change. It'll be worth it!
For the remainder of the year (and into 2022), we're going to be sharing different ways in which you can be more faith driven. As we go through this journey, we'd encourage you to read the book "Faith Driven Entrepreneur: What It Takes to Step Into Your Purpose and Pursue Your God-Given Call to Create." It doesn't matter if you would consider yourself an entrepreneur or not, the content is good for everyone! This series is going to be about faith based leadership in the workplace.

Chapter 1: Our Call to Create
Why can't an entrepreneurial venture [or enter your job], lived and pursued faithfully, be God's desire for your life?
Chapter 1 of the Faith Driven Entrepreneur book talks about "Our Call to Create." Although this book specifically talks about entrepreneurship, it can be applied to any profession. Not everyone is called to be a preacher, missionary, etc. God has given everyone different gifts. We should be using the gifts/skills God has given us in our field of work. We should be seeking to give glory to God in everything we do.
Check out this video discussing Saddleback Leather Company and how they glorify God in the making of their leather bags:

Regardless of your field of work, remember that your work and faith don't have to be separate.
Chapter 2: Identity in Christ

Where do you find your identity? When we spend so much of our time working, it can be very easy to have our work define us -- our business, profits, what we've accomplished, etc. When we try to leave God out of the picture, both the valleys and mountaintops are empty. EVERYTHING we do, should work towards bringing about God's redemptive story.
Do you find yourself stressed often about work? We'd encourage you to watch Faith Driven Entrepreneur's video that goes along with Chapter 2 of their book as Phil Vischer, creator of Veggie Tales discusses work and our identity:

Chapter 3: Stewardship vs. Ownership

True generosity flows out of an understanding that God owns EVERYTHING. When we turn ownership over to God, we are freed from the pressures of performance, and we experience joy from working alongside God. As a financial advisor, there might be times where you put too much pressure on yourself to get X number of new clients throughout the year. We'd encourage you to take some time to reflect on your mindset for your firm.
Check out this video as CEO of Seat King, Pete Ochs talks about how a new understanding of generosity and stewardship changed his business and his life.

Chapter 4: In Partnership

God designed us to be in relationship. Even Jesus surrounded himself with 12 disciples.
It's powerful working together with a shared faith toward a common goal. Check out this short video as David Morken, owner of Republic Wireless and Bandwidth saw the importance of creating a shared culture in the early days of the company:

Make sure you follow us on LinkedIn and/or Facebook so you don't miss out on the rest of this series!