On Tuesday, stocks posted their best single day jump since December. Earlier in the day, the financial media attributed it to a Chinese official saying the trade dispute with the US should be resolved with “talks”, not retaliatory tariffs. Later in the afternoon, the media said the rally
Oftentimes taking a step back and looking at the big picture leads to a crystallization of what is actually happening.
The Federal Reserve’s Quantitative Easing (QE) program created an additional $4 Trillion of money.
The Fed used QE to pull $4 trillion of debt out of the
There are plenty of Wall Street sayings that become cemented in investors’ brains. Often times those phrases are not necessarily based on sound logic or representative of the current market. One of those that has (mostly) held up through time is “Sell in May & Go Away.”
Stocks are attempting to stabilize after President Trump threw everyone for a loop by Tweeting his intention to hike tariffs on $200 Billion of Chinese goods ahead of what was expected to be the week that ended the 17 month trade war. Rather than going into the whys, hows, whats,
At the end of April the S&P 500 (barely) reached a new all-time high. The next day, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell mentioned the slowdown in the economy is likely “transitory”, which is Fed-speak for temporary. This seemed to remove the prospects from traders’ minds about a rate