Over the past 10 days, we've seen a lot of headlines which read, "stocks post best (worst) day since (2022 or 2020 or even 2008)." This has obviously created a lot more contact with SEM and our advisors regarding the state of the markets or the economy. We've enjoyed several
Four weeks ago the title of the blog was "Be careful (what you wish for)." At the time bad economic data was viewed as 'good' news for stocks as it meant the Fed was likely to cut interest rates at some point soon. I warned at the time about the
"It's the economy, stupid!" was a phrase often uttered in the 90s when people asked why Bill Clinton had such a high approval rating. Based on the overall economic sentiment in our country and the underlying economic data, it is not always about the economy.....or at least what the
As a parent of 6 and grandfather to soon to be 4 grandchildren, I've used the phrase, "be careful what you wish for" more times than I can remember. As somebody who has been following the investment markets for over 30 years, I have used that phrase during a few
The Mega Cap Growth Market
If you’re an investor in an S&P 500 or related index fund, you’ve had a pretty good 18 months. Ignoring a couple of quick, scary drops, you’ve had a pretty good 15 years.
The largest companies have become behemoths who