From the Fed, to the Congressional Budget Office, to most mainstream economists, “average”, “trend” , or “normal” growth is assumed to be around 3%. During this economic recovery we’ve only seen GDP growth exceed the “normal” rate once…
What should we expect from the economy over the short & long-term?
What does this mean for the Fed and their interest rate decisions?
Most importantly, how should investors be positioned?
I’ve been struggling lately to get a feel for what the market participants are focusing on. Sometimes it’s easy to see the theme, other times it’s not.
Over the weekend I went through every link on my links page (now called
We find it surprising that so many people trust what the Fed says about the economy. They have had a less than stellar track record at both predicting the recession and the severity of that recession, yet for some reason the markets continue to have faith in both their ability
“Stocks are more attractive than bonds.”
The S&P 500 dividend yield is 2.03% compared to the 10-Year Treasury Yield of 1.51%.
This type of comparison drives me crazy. Stocks & bonds are completely different investments with completely different characteristics and roles in