Each week is different, but yet every week seems the same. We get some good news on the economy, some really bad numbers, some good earnings reports, some bad earnings reports, some sort of news item from the Fed, talk of more stimulus, delays of those talks, and of course
Tag: Musings
As we start the 20th week of the Coronavirus panic in the U.S. in many ways it feels like we haven't made much progress. Cases are spiking in two heavily populated states, schools are trying to determine what they should do with their students, Congress is arguing over what
Like a prisoner, marking the days is a way to keep track of the passage of time. Days can blur together and it is easy to lose touch with the outside world. For the past 19 weeks I've been marking the weeks with the hope we'll be able to resume
I had no idea 18 weeks ago we would still not know for sure how severe the Coronavirus pandemic would be. NBA players last week began preparing to resume their season which was temporarily suspended in mid-March. Major League Baseball teams are using a different approach and are preparing for
I'm not sure if the 3 day weekend in celebration of Independence Day was welcome given how different this July 4 was than all the others in my lifetime. I love our country so much, but I found myself needing to stay busy over the 3 days because every time