Despite some bumps last week, the stock market starts the week near record highs. FOMO + TINA is driving investors (Fear of Missing Out / There is No Alternative [to stocks]). We're seeing some of the most conservative investors saying the 9% annualized rate of return they have gotten so far through
Back in 2019 the daily blog entries turned into a weekly "Chart of the Week". There just weren't a lot of different ways to say what was happening – stocks seemed to go up every week. Any drop of 3% was bought aggressively. Valuations were at levels that indicated long-term returns
This is my 4th year in Virginia. After 20 years in Arizona where you have a very short spring before moving into the 90-110 degree temperatures, there is just something about seeing the landscape come to life. After the year we just went through, it seems like there is even
Have we reached the end? Just as March 2020 marked the beginning of the COVID19 economic shock, March 2021 could go down as the end of the shock. As vaccine distribution hit critical mass, the weather turned nicer in the southern states, and yet another round of stimulus checks hit

Pillars of the Rally
The market has staged an impressive rally over the past year. The first quarter saw a mass increase in risk tolerance as we saw large moves in many investments. We have to remember the market is always looking toward the future and is expecting a multi-year