Financial Literacy Month: Week 4

The final week of Financial Literacy Month focused on investing. Check it out below:

What does "risk" mean for investing?


What does risk really mean for investing? Do you prefer to take more risk or play it safe? Let us know in the comments. #financialliteracymonth #financialliteracymonth2023 #financialliteracy #investing #investing101 #investingtips #financialadvisor #financialfreedom #retirement #retirementplanning #risk #riskaverse #riskreward #riskvsreturn #risktaker

♬ Sweet Sunset - Tollan Kim & dulai

Types of Investments


Investing can be intimidating, but we’re here to help! #financialliteracymonth #financialliteracymonth2023 #financialliteracy #investing #investing101 #investingtips #financialadvisor #financialfreedom #retirement #retirementplanning #typesofinvestments #stocks #bonds #mutualfunds #etfs #simpleinvesting

♬ Music Instrument - Gerhard Siagian

How to pick the right investments


How do you pick the right investments? #financialliteracymonth #financialliteracymonth2023 #financialliteracy #investing #investing101 #investingtips #financialadvisor #financialfreedom #retirement #retirementplanning #timehorizon #objectives #shortterm #longterm

♬ Sweet Sunset - Tollan Kim & dulai

What should I do with my investments?


If you already have investments, you might be asking, “what should I do with them?” You might not like Jeff’s answer. #financialliteracymonth #financialliteracymonth2023 #financialliteracy #investing #investing101 #investingtips #financialadvisor #financialfreedom #retirement #retirementplanning #typesofinvestments #stockmarket #itdepends #onesizedoesnotfitall


What's the secret to financial freedom?


What’s the secret to gaining financial freedom? #financialliteracymonth #financialliteracymonth2023 #financialliteracy #financialadvisor #financialfreedom #retirement #secret #debtfreejourney

♬ A Day in My Life - Soft boy
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New Kent, VA
Jeff joined SEM in October 1998. Outside of SEM, Jeff is part of the worship team at LifePointe Christian Church where he plays the keyboard and bass guitar. He also coaches a club soccer team.