Tuesday is the 40 year anniversary of the assassination attempt on President Reagan. I remember this because it was on my 7th birthday. I of course feel terrible for my selfish feelings of 'my day' being ruined by all the adults only wanting to watch news coverage of this and
Tag: debt
I've enjoyed the celebrations the past few weeks about how far we've come in the past year. I'm as excited as everyone about our ability to emerge from the pandemic. So many positive things happened in the past year. We of course have had many negative things happen.
The problem
These headlines are shocking and certainly something I don't want to make light of. While it is indeed the worst number since the Great Depression, the way GDP is calculated does not fairly represent what is actually happening. The government takes the estimated economic output for the last three months,
Our brains are programmed to only factor in events we've either experienced or have studied. There's nothing wrong with that, but it's something we all need to understand as we deal with something NOBODY has experienced. Despite the best efforts of stock market "experts," we also have never seen anything
In the fall of 2019, the banking system froze due to the amount of new debt being auctioned by the Treasury Department to finance the budget deficit. The Federal Reserve had to step in and provide "temporary" emergency funding to save the banking system. At the time, the total issuance