Given all the uncertainty we are facing in 2020 and beyond, the value of SEM's Behavioral Approach has become apparent. This short webinar discussed how investor emotions determine stock prices, behavioral biases we face as humans, and how our approach has us prepared for the unknowns ahead.
It's rare I'm at a loss of words. After watching the violence unfold across the country over the weekend, it's not that I'm at a loss of words I just don't know how to put them together into something that is coherent. Racism is wrong. We should all be angry
Being a data driven, scientifically-minded investment manager, we've always been uncomfortable making decisions that did not have a solid basis. Our study of behavioral finance and market history, as well as nearly three decades of experience managing money tells us our brains often can play tricks on us. This realization
It's been bad enough trying to remember what day it is the past 11 weeks. Throw in a Monday holiday and we'll be confused all week. Today feels like Monday, with a slightly refreshed feeling thanks to an extra day away from the computer screens. More importantly, despite the "hardships"
Is it possible for the last 10 weeks to have flown by, but also to feel like the longest 10 weeks of your life? The last 10 weeks have been a whirlwind and have had seemingly inconceivable developments every single day. At the same time, they've also felt like this: