Normal is a relative term. The definition even says "usual, average, or typical state or condition." For the past 4 years we've been living in anything but normal conditions with the pandemic, unprecedented actions to fight the pandemic (both health and economic policies), and then the fight to control the
It's hard to believe this is the 5th year of 'Monday Morning Musings'. This all started back in 2020 when there was so much happening I would post a 'brain dump' of all the things crossing my desk which I thought were important. Eventually the chaos of 2020 slowed down

Stocks make a round trip
Each year many investors will take a look at their investment performance and reassess how and where they are invested. Often times they make the decision to sell their lowest performers to invest more in their best performers. This can be a big mistake. After
The time around Christmas and New Years can be stressful for many people. Thankfully for me, my wife is well organized and takes care of most of the holiday prep work throughout the year. Our workload at SEM is always much busier, but our systematized approach and heavy use of
For most of my career there has been a nearly unshakable belief that the Fed was all knowing and could control the direction of the market. This is despite the fact they've always been too late to change direction or to fully understand the inner workings of the financial system.