Last month, we wrapped up the Biblical Approach to Finances series. Since we started this series a year ago, I thought it would be helpful to recap the different sections and provide highlights for each over the next few months. This series was broken into 3 parts: giving, planning, and
For too long, investors (speculators) have relied on the Federal Reserve to prevent any and all economic speed bumps to keep stock prices propped up. The so-called "Fed Put" just celebrated its 25th anniversary on Saturday. Not sure what I'm talking about? If you have a WSJ Subscription you can
As US-based investors, we spend the vast majority of our time focusing on things happening in our country. While we have a little less influence in the world than we did 20 or 30 years ago, the US still dominates the global economy so this makes sense. However, US-based companies,
SEM has been around for over 30 years, and we have received requests for customized investment solutions. More recently, we've been asked for some kind of faith driven investment model. In this video, SEM Portfolio Manager, Jeff Hybiak explains what faith driven investing is and how
Last month, the focus was on the oppressors – James warned them of coming judgment. This month, we'll be shifting the focus to the victims – being patient because the Lord is coming. For me, this was a hard section to read through in James because I struggle with being patient.