There are many axioms on Wall Street which often are not understood by most people yet are believed to be reliable. One of those is the "Santa Claus Rally". We've heard it discussed so many times it is easy to think the market always rallies around Christmas time. This is
Tag: Musings
We're in the homestretch of 2021 where many people are making their plans for the new year. This is also the time of year where there are dozens of lists, articles, tv segments, videos, and social media posts with an opinion of what the year ahead will look like. 2022
The last two years has been a challenge to say the least. At SEM we've attempted to do what we always do – allow the data to drive our decisions. We've provided what we hope is a consistent, independent look at the current news moving the markets to help our readers,
Black Friday was supposed to be a quiet, generally optimistic day. Seasonally we're in a very strong period for the stock market. Consumer spending has been strong. Earnings have been "better than expected". Thanksgiving travel was supposed to exceed 2019 levels. Christmas travel and spending was supposed to set records.
We spent the weekend in Virginia Beach at the season ending soccer tournament for our 15 year old twins. Having managed investments for 25+ years I've seen the ebbs and flows of interest in investing markets. I realize anecdotal stories cannot be relied on for any sort of market timing