The stock market is supposed to be "efficient", at least according to academics (and those firms who have bought into this theory). Supposedly, the market (mostly) reflects all known information. In my experience this is not even close to reality. There have been dozens of times where we see a
The focus of week 2 was debt. Here is all the content shared during week 2:
Credit vs Debt
@finance_nerd Do you know how to build your credit without the risk of piling up credit card debt? We share some tips here. #schittscreek #schittscreekdavid #financialliteracymonth #financialliteracymonth2023 #financialliteracy #financialliteracy101 #creditcards
Throughout the last 6 months, the stock market has been hoping for a "goldilocks" scenario. With the Fed raising interest rates aggressively to fight inflation, the market participants were looking for any sign the economy was slowing enough to cool inflation, which in turn would lead the Fed to backing
April is Financial Literacy Month. For the entire month, we're going to be covering various financial literacy topics. Below are all the videos from week 1:
Things being taught in school
@finance_nerd Financial literacy is so important, yet it isn't being taught in school. We'll be posting content all
After the volatility the past 15 months in the stock and bond markets, we wanted to take a step back and examine the structure of our Cornerstone models. This short video explains what has happened, some of the key drivers behind the performance inside the models, and some of the