Stocks are a forward looking mechanism. That is drilled into our heads constantly. It means stock market participants are constantly looking ahead at what the future will look like and then assign a "fair" price today to whatever you think the future will hold. The problem with that method is
The Oscars, the Grammys, the Emmys, the Tonys, and the Kansas City Fed Monetary Policy Symposium.......What do these annual events have in common? In each of their respective industries they have become THE annual event everyone looks forward to.
In the financial markets the Symposium is simply known as
Last week's Musings focused more on the big picture and my message to clients and advisors on where we go next. With that focus a lot of my random thoughts last week were on the long-term impact COVID will have on our economy, the markets, and our lives. We will
The S&P 500 index hit an all-time record high on Tuesday. Many people are celebrating what is officially the shortest bear market in history. A typical bear market sees stocks losing 35-55% over 12-18 months and then taking 5-8 years to fully recover those losses. I've argued since
As we go into the 23rd week since the COVID19 panic began it's hard to get a grasp on the big picture. I attended two more virtual conferences last week and two big name firms essentially said fundamentals do not matter – for now there is no other alternative to stocks