We're starting the 7th week since the country began to shutdown due to the Coronavirus. We continue to see so much confidence in the forecasts from the big name Wall Street investment firms. The consensus is this is just a small bump in a bull market and you should both
For over a decade I've been listening to "experts" recommend investors dump bonds and use dividend paying stocks for the fixed income needs of clients. I've again heard this advice in the past month. This is what I thought of:
For over a decade I've pointed out two
SEM Director of Technology, Dustin Briles and Marketing Manager, Courtney Hybiak worked to revamp SEM's Trader's Blog. In this short webinar, Dustin walks through the layout of the new blog. Jeff also answered some questions about the changes.
For those of you who have been following along, I've been using this space each Monday to list all the things I thought about over the weekend. It's something I did during the financial crisis and the 2011 "debt ceiling circus/EU debt panic". There's just too much happening to
With the stock market calming down somewhat and the country looking at the next phase of the crisis, I wanted to take some time to walk through what we are seeing in the economy, the stock market, and SEM's investment models. I know many advisors and investors alike have questioned