Tariffs and Trade Wars are dominating the headlines. Stock market participants are worried and the market indices have been falling every time one of the sides announces a new tariff or other restrictions on trade. Whenever markets start falling emotions begin to take over. The logic is “stocks dropped
SEM Portfolio Manager Jeff Hybiak talks about the data behind the trade war talk we’ve been seeing in the market.
For more information, read ‘How trade impacts the economy.’
The stock market is again on shaky ground as the Trump Administration is escalating the potential for a heated trade war with China. They announced the initial shots in March, which was matched by China with their own tariffs (even though China already charges heavy tariffs on US goods). Wall
The Federal Reserve recently raised interest rates for the 7th time since 2015. Why did they do this and should we be worried?
Availability Bias: an information-processing bias in which people take a heuristic (mental shortcut or rule-of-thumb) approach to estimating the probability of an outcome based on how easily the outcome comes to mind. Easily recalled outcomes are often perceived as being more likely than those that are harder to recall or