As expected, the debt ceiling negotiators have worked out a deal to avoid "catastrophe". The stock market never really thought the debt ceiling wouldn't be raised/temporarily cancelled. The bond market has been showing a bit of a concern over short-term liquidity as well as putting in place plans to
Throughout this entire series, we start with where our heart (or attitude) should be on the specific topic. Last month we looked at what our attitude towards saving should be. Take a look at it here if you missed it. Now that we have our attitude right, let's talk about
I don't know about you, but I'm already tired of hearing about the debt ceiling. The media is sensationalizing it. Both sides of the political aisle are blaming the other side and acting like they had nothing to do with it. Worry is picking up among individual investors. Meanwhile the
I hate talking politics, but we've been fielding a lot of questions about the debt ceiling and the chances of default. I've actually been avoiding writing about this because every time I think about it, my blood pressure skyrockets. The fact that we are back here AGAIN is a failure
Wisdom is the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment. People's wisdom is revealed in their character – the way they live, speak, treat others, and handle life situations. In the passage we're looking at this month, James compares worldly wisdom to godly wisdom. This isn't the first time James