I hope everyone had a great holiday season. With the start of the new year, I'm going to be starting a new Bible study. For most of the year, we'll be going through the letter of James. While this is a shorter book in the Bible, it is filled with
Wall Street likes to throw around a lot of terms as they attempt to form a narrative for their clients. Often times the narrative begins to shape the analysis done by those firms. For instance, I mentioned last week the forecasts for the top Wall Street firms. JPMorgan & BMO
I think most investors are relieved to put 2022 in the rear-view mirror. 2022 started with so much optimism from most market participants. The Federal Reserve threw cold water on the markets the second trading day of the year when they warned about the need to fight inflation. Both stocks

The year everything went wrong
A year ago we called 2021, “the year everything went right.” We discussed how all forces aligned to drive the stock market higher. The primary driver was $5 Trillion in stimulus from the government combined with another $5 Trillion of money poured into the Wall
This year was probably the first year since COVID that things were back to "normal." Conferences were starting to go back to being in-person. Partway through the years, masks became optional on airplanes. Social distancing is almost non-existent. For me, 2022 flew by. Towards the end of the year, I