We're in the homestretch of 2021 where many people are making their plans for the new year. This is also the time of year where there are dozens of lists, articles, tv segments, videos, and social media posts with an opinion of what the year ahead will look like. 2022
The last two years has been a challenge to say the least. At SEM we've attempted to do what we always do – allow the data to drive our decisions. We've provided what we hope is a consistent, independent look at the current news moving the markets to help our readers,
We spent the last 5 weeks sharing a video devotional series on faith driven investing. But what does it actually mean to be "faith driven"? Being faith driven means your faith in Jesus Christ drives the way you work and live.
Does your faith drive your life or is it
Just like that, 2021 is almost over. I've enjoyed getting to share what God is teaching me throughout the year in these blogs, and I hope they've been helpful in some way in your life. The holidays are a busy time. For my last Cornerstone Impact blog of the year,
Black Friday was supposed to be a quiet, generally optimistic day. Seasonally we're in a very strong period for the stock market. Consumer spending has been strong. Earnings have been "better than expected". Thanksgiving travel was supposed to exceed 2019 levels. Christmas travel and spending was supposed to set records.