Modeling the economy is especially difficult. It's over $20 Trillion and has hundreds of moving parts. I created our economic model back in 1995, a time when I had to go to the library to get the data out of a book once a quarter. By 1998 I could access

A year to remember
For most of us, 2020 felt like the longest year of our lifetimes. It’s easy to forget everything that transpired in 2020. What is interesting about investing is how our assessment of our portfolios is based on what has happened most recently. A year ago,
I don't know if there was ever a more anticipated new year in my lifetime than this year. After what felt like ten years' worth of news, 2020 is finally over. Many people have said, "2021 can't be any worse than 2020." I hope they're right, but there are a
42 weeks ago our country began to panic over a virus which had started making headlines in early January. I'm sure nobody will forget 2020. It's been quite a year and one where we've all learned a lot about ourselves, our families, our co-workers, and our fellow Americans. Everybody's experience
Back in June, if I told you on December 21 we'd have two vaccines being distributed and Congress just agreed on a nearly $1 Trillion additional stimulus bill how many of you would have bet the stock market would be looking to open down nearly 2%?
If 2020 has taught