Almost 2 years ago I took the final portion of the CFA Exam. The materials for that section have completely changed the way I look at everything. Level I was focused on market fundamentals, Level II focused more on how to analyze the various asset classes available, while Level
It was 2010 when I first began having to answer concerns about rising interest rates. The media had picked up on the Wall Street story that rates were destined to rise which was bad for bonds. Their recommendation was to sell bonds and buy stocks. Focusing only on returns this
SEM applies a Behavioral Approach to Investing. Our total portfolio approach is designed to overcome the most common behavioral biases. To understand the importance of this we need to first understand the biases. About two years ago I posted a video clip from one of our client seminars where I
After 20 years with SEM I should not be surprised to see how many people get sucked into the late stages of a bull market. We all have heard the key to investing – “buy low, sell high.” Unfortunately, our brains typically trick us into forgetting this wisdom.
Unlike the January employment report, the April report did not have any blatant data points that caused a “crash”. With average earnings only rising 0.1% myopic market participants celebrated the lack of wage inflation, hoping this will allow the Fed to take a few more months off