I find it interesting despite all the letters behind their names, including PhD, how many Fed officials and other economic leaders fail to realize the value of allowing cycles to occur. The purpose of a recession or market correction is to wipe out the excesses that are inevitably created whenever
Following the election we saw a sharp improvement in “soft” economic data. Most of this data was centered around surveys about how consumers, business owners, and manufacturers “felt” about the economic prospects of the economy. At the time I warned the key would be how quickly
Expectations for volatility are at a record low. Despite a steady stream of events that could have sparked a wide-spread sell-off, the market was surprisingly resilient. The S&P 500 (including dividends) has been up every month since the election. This ties the longest streak on record (December 1994-September
Early this morning my phone was buzzing with notifications from all the various news apps following the North Korean launch of a missile that crossed over Japan. While this is not unprecedented it does come at a time where the Trump administration is dealing with a seemingly endless list of
One of the common themes from the bullish analysts continues to be, “household balance sheets are much more healthy than they were at the start of the financial crisis.” The data these analysts are using relates only to mortgage debt and the amount of money each month used