A few weeks back, Dr. Richard Thaler won the Nobel Prize in economics for his work on behavioral finance. Anybody associated with SEM the last few years is quite familiar with his work as it along with others in the field has been the major driver behind the re-design of
Last week was the 30 year anniversary of the 1987 crash. We heard stories from many people about what it was like back then. Most of the stories included a long-term chart illustrating how the crash was just a minor blip on the long-term chart. The message — don’
It seems in Washington your position shifts based on whether or not your party controls the White House. For 8 years we heard from Republicans about the dangers of ignoring the runaway deficits and the impact our national debt will have on future growth and future generations. Now they have
The September employment report marked the first decline in the number of jobs 84 months. The last time our economy lost jobs was back in September 2010. That decline was due to the loss of temporary census jobs. Back then market participants did not care because Ben Bernanke had recently
Last week the Federal Reserve announced the details of what is now being called Quantitative Tightening (QT). Despite this being well-telegraphed (as have been most moves out of Janet Yellen’s Fed) the bond market reacted sharp……for a few days. Things have settled back down. Yields