I know most of the country is already back in school, so if you have kids your summer ended. On the east coast many schools still start after Labor Day which means the roads this week are crowded with vacationers trying to squeeze the last bit out of their summer.
We've reached the last month of our Biblical Approach to Finances series. Last month, we went through what our attitude towards investing should be using various Bible verses. Now, we're going to wrap up the series with some investing 101:
- What makes a good investment?
- Risks and Returns
- Types of
Last week we discussed the "Dog Days" of summer and how August and September tend to be the worst months on the calendar. One thing I point out nearly every time I discuss the markets is, my 'opinion' about what may happen does not impact the way we invest at
At least across the southern part of the United States, this is the time of year few people enjoy being outside (unless you can be near or in the water). I heard somebody describe it as the 'dog days of August' which made me wonder about the origin of the
The section of James we're in this month is, "Warning to the Rich." It can be easy to think, "I'm not rich, so this doesn't apply to me"; however, I don't want you to check out and assume nothing in these verses can be applied to you and your life.