There are three mandates for biblically responsible investing: avoid, embrace, and engage. In April, I wrote a blog going deeper into the avoid mandate:
Inflation is least that is what you would think by watching the stock market the past two weeks. In reality, the pundits are saying we have seen "peak inflation". They are absolutely right (hopefully). However, that doesn't mean we are done having to worry about inflation.
The source
Talk about conflicting data points. Two weeks ago the data told us we just had our second consecutive decline in economic output (which used to be how we defined a recession). Last week, we learned the labor market fully recovered all of the jobs lost during the short pandemic recession.
So far in the Gospel of Matthew, we've seen the beginnings of Jesus' ministry; however, we haven't really seen Him rejected. At the end of chapter 13, which we discussed in July, we hear about Jesus being rejected at Nazareth, his hometown. This month, we're going to see faith being
The S&P 500 just posted its best month since November 2020. This has led many market 'experts' to declare the "Bear Market" over, marking it up as just a temporary bump in our recovery from the pandemic. The month closed with another impressive week, which included yet another