Winter has arrived here in Virginia. We woke up to snow flurries south of Richmond. You'd think with virtual school there would be no more snow days, but that is not the case apparently even with the snow not sticking to the pavement and expected to be done by 10
Tag: Chart of the Week
As we enter the final month of 2020 many investors will be making plans for 2021. I could write several thousand words listing all the things we should be considering. Instead, I thought we'd use my favorite tool – a 2-column list to look at the current market environment.
As I've
For the second week in a row we are greeted with some very positive COVID-19 vaccine results. Don't mistake the rest of the article as me not being extremely excited about this development. As I've said from the outset, I have full confidence in the American people, our scientists, and
This morning we woke up to some encouraging news on a Coronavirus vaccine. 35 weeks after the US began to panic, it seems investors/speculators are banking on a huge economic comeback. We'll leave the speculation to them and stick to the data.
Where you personally sit often determines your assessment of a situation. That is certainly the case with the economy. COVID19 turned our economy into a K-shaped economy, but we've had problems for quite some time, well before COVID.
A big part of the imbalance is our two deficits – trade and