Modeling the economy is especially difficult. It's over $20 Trillion and has hundreds of moving parts. I created our economic model back in 1995, a time when I had to go to the library to get the data out of a book once a quarter. By 1998 I could access
Tag: Federal Reserve
As we enter the final month of 2020 many investors will be making plans for 2021. I could write several thousand words listing all the things we should be considering. Instead, I thought we'd use my favorite tool – a 2-column list to look at the current market environment.
As I've
The Oscars, the Grammys, the Emmys, the Tonys, and the Kansas City Fed Monetary Policy Symposium.......What do these annual events have in common? In each of their respective industries they have become THE annual event everyone looks forward to.
In the financial markets the Symposium is simply known as
As we go into the 23rd week since the COVID19 panic began it's hard to get a grasp on the big picture. I attended two more virtual conferences last week and two big name firms essentially said fundamentals do not matter – for now there is no other alternative to stocks
Like a prisoner, marking the days is a way to keep track of the passage of time. Days can blur together and it is easy to lose touch with the outside world. For the past 19 weeks I've been marking the weeks with the hope we'll be able to resume