One of the fundamental laws of investing is the more return you seek, the more risk you must take on. While short periods of time may make it appear this law is no longer in place, over the long-run it always ends up being true. The longer the bull market
85% of Wall Street Banks expect the S&P 500 to end higher in 2018. The S&P 500 was up every month in 2017 (first time ever). It has been up 14 consecutive months (also the first time ever). It has not had a 3% correction in
Point of Maximum Risk
It is human nature to take the current environment and project it into the foreseeable future. Whether it is a situation on the job, something with your kids, a sports team’s performance, or the stock market, this “recency” bias shapes the way we view
Despite a year of political unrest, the stock market is enjoying the longest streak ever without a 3% correction.
The fact the market has not had even a minor sell-off since the election of Donald Trump does not mean we are at risk of an immediate drop. In fact, our
Are you more like George Bailey or Mr. Potter? Here’s a replay of a Podcast I did last year with my good friend Peter McClellan of the 401k Latte Company. We discussed the main characters in the Christmas classic Its a Wonderful Life. The movie successfully contrasts two